I read a lot about being grateful. But when it really comes down to it, how do you practice being grateful for what you have? Waking up grateful for being alive is a useful skill to help you keep perspective and to remind yourself of how lucky you are to be alive. It’s very easy to forget all the blessings in life if you aren’t paying attention. It’s incredible how much work it takes to pay attention isn’t it?
In any case, the art of being grateful is something I’ve been practicing the last few months. I don’t do it everyday in any formal practice. What usually happens if I’m honest is that I have a terrible day and end up in a terrible mood. Something in the back of my head clicks and remind myself to get grateful. If that doesn’t work, and I need a bigger dose of gratitude, I set my phone alarm for 5 minutes and get out a blank piece of paper or open a new Evernote file and spend the time writing down everything I’m grateful for in this life. I start with myself and go from there, outward as far as I can imagine until the timer rings.
According to my Evernote files, the last time I did this was January 2016. Names have been changed or deleted.
How To Practice Being Grateful For What You Have In Life. At least, here’s how I do it.
- Let’s try this instead. I am so completely grateful for my health. Thank you GOD for me not being physically or mentally ill. Sound mind and body, here here.
- I am grateful for my wife who appears to be sticking by me! I love her so much.
- I am grateful for my eldest daughter – my nerdy, amazing, lovely, smart daughter.
- I am grateful for my youngest daughter and her dancing, creativity, personality and insanity – she’s incredible and lovely and funny.
- I’m grateful for my dog and his nuttiness. Thank god he didn’t run into the woods this am to get that deer. Yikes!
- I’m grateful for my mom – she loves me and I love her.
- I’m grateful for my brother who is a putz but is generous in spirit and a good soul.
- I’m grateful for my sister whom I love and want nothing more than to find her true self.
- I’m grateful for my friends – old and new – art, ralph, and potsie and the gang.
- I’m grateful they made a new Star Wars movie. Yes I am.
- I am grateful for every breath I take, every move I make. Also, for that song. LOL.
- I’m grateful for living in America and for being born free.
- I’m grateful for my dad, may he rest in peace. I miss him so much.
- I am grateful for my G-Ma and Pa who loved me more than anyone has ever loved me, other than probably my own kids.
- I’m grateful for the weather, it’s incredible out this winter. Wow. Gonna pay for that eventually.
- I’m grateful for nature and it’s beauty, and for sunrises and sunsets. I’m grateful to be alive – and I’m grateful that every day I get another chance to figure it all out.
That’s it. What’s interesting is the note I left myself at the end of those bullets…
I feel a lot better. That always helps.
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